NCAA athletic scholarship - Glossary | Sponsoo

NCAA athletic scholarship


An athletic scholarship offers the opportunity to help finance studies in the USA. Normally, the duration of an athletic scholarship is one year and athletes' scholarships are awarded by the individual coaches of the respective colleges. An essential criterion, besides the athlete's grades, is his or her individual performance within his or her sport. For this reason, at the end of each NCAA season, an assessment is made as to whether the athlete's scholarship will be continued, reduced, increased or even terminated.

Generally, scholarships for athletes can be divided into 'full ride scholarships' and 'partial scholarships'. Full ride scholarships cover almost all of the athlete's costs and are therefore the most favored type of scholarship. With partial scholarships on the other hand, the costs incurred are only partially covered by the scholarship. In addition, athletic scholarships can also be combined with regular scholarships.



  1. NCAA Sports

  2. USA Today HSS

  3. YouTube


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