Daniele Rapali - Sponsorship profile | Sponsoo

Daniele Rapali

 Genzano Di Roma Kitesurfing, Mountainbike, Motocross ...
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Athlete in Motocross Championship MX2 category. Motocross, Kitesurf, Instagram https://www.instagram.com/danielerapali


I am an athlete all around. My main sport it's Motocross and I ride for the regional championship. I record all my sessions of training and championship with my GoPro and I publish all my contents on my channels like YouTube and Instagram. 
I am also an ambassador for Technogym. 
What I am looking for a sponsor is the possibility to help me in all competition, and I can give back a very nice content to publish non my channels 

Reach / Links

Key figures for sponsors


Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/danielerapali/?hl=en

YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChlVF3Wu2Xupq13XoUB-ZtQ

Main visibility on most famous social media, also visibility during the championship and training 


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