Norman Wenk - Sponsorship profile | Sponsoo

Norman Wenk

 Berlin Bodybuilding, Fitness, Weight training
This profile is currently not actively managed by a Sponsoo user, i.e. Norman Wenk is not registered on Sponsoo and does not have any contractual relations to us. You are only seeing this profile because we researched publicly available sponsorship information about Norman Wenk and made these available to our users.
Are you associated with Norman Wenk? Then create a Sponsoo account and after a short verification we'll grant you access to the profile.


Fitness-Training-Bodybuildimg Influencer. Regelmäßig interessante Beiträge und Fitness-Motivation aus Berlin.


Norman Wenk has shared a photo
17.02.2020 01:11 ·
Norman Wenk has shared a photo
17.02.2020 01:09 ·
Norman Wenk has shared a photo
12.02.2020 18:08 ·
Norman Wenk has shared a photo
12.02.2020 01:24 ·
Norman Wenk has shared 3 photos
11.02.2020 11:56 ·

Reach / Links

Key figures for sponsors

• mein Account hat aktuell 1900 Follower (54% männlich, 46% weiblich)

• das Alter meiner Follower

18-24: 23%

25-34: 51%

35-44: 18%

• aktuell habe ich 900 Interaktionen pro Woche

• aktuelle Reichweite: 63000


Power System
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