Melissa Strother - Sponsorship profile | Sponsoo

Melissa Strother

 San Dimas American Football, Arena Football
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I am a captain and kicker for a professional men’s football team. I want to be the first female to win a championship in men’s football.


I want to inspire the world to believe in themselves that they are capable of anything they set their mind to. I want to inspire the next generation of female athletes that the only boundaries that exist are the ones in their minds. I want to break glass ceilings and pave a path for anyone who loves their sport and wants to be a professional athlete. I want to bare the burden and pressure that comes with this path so that others that follow never have to. I want to be the first female to win a championship in men's indoor football. Then I want to be the first female to play in men's professional outdoor football. 

Reach / Links

Greatest successes

Collegiate First Team Soccer All-American

2012 WFA National Champion

2017 IFAF World Champion Gold Medalist


11x Team Captain

Key figures for sponsors

Instagram followers: 2,466

Sell out crowds at The Monument Rapid City games

Local radio/TV interviews and coverage

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